About us

About Your Partner

GAUK Media is Run By Entrepreneurs,
NOT Web Designers …

How Did GAUK Get To Where it is Today?

These days we need all the help we can get and your systems are the way to go Thanks

GAUK Media is a privately owned, self-funded complementary group of websites set up by Paul J. Tranter that cover auctions, wholesale stock, bargains and surplus stock worldwide.

paul-tranterPaul was born in the UK and went to school, college and then polytechnic finally graduating with a HND in Art Direction and Advertising. After being forced to move to London in search of a work placement because this was where the agencies were based, he soon realised that ‘The Smog’ was not where he was going to spend the rest of his life! So after all those years getting educated he left the UK at the tender age of twenty. After various non-advertising related jobs in the Canary Islands he ended up in Greece where he set up as a sign writer and was introduced to sailing. This was to become a lifelong passion as Paul accumulated many thousands of sea miles cruising, racing and delivering yachts as a freelance skipper … and that would have been that, spending his years sailing the seven seas but he felt he needed something more fulfilling.

He chose direct marketing and publishing as this catered to his skill set and fitted into his transient lifestyle. Paul came up with the ideas and outsourced the work, which was all managed from a laptop whilst sipping Sangria in Spain or Rum Punch in the Caribbean.

The first venture into publishing was in 1999 with a series of wholesale related directories known as Sourcebook. These detailed trade sources worldwide. Paul then developed a work group of like-minded, entrepreneurial individuals called the Vanguard Alliance which grew a worldwide audience and still enjoys patronage today. During this time he built other websites that would hone his Internet Marketing skills; skills that contribute to the success of the GAUK Network in these increasingly competitive times.

Paul has a natural talent for copywriting and design and over the years he has helped create extremely busy sites for his own portfolio and on behalf of clients where he has established publishing contracts. Many would attribute their success largely due to Paul’s talent with Internet marketing and his highly innovative ideas.

Government Auctions UK was described as ‘an experiment’. Originally, it could be bought as a printed document or downloaded as an ebook. The book sold well and over the following couple of years proved to be a great success. The Government Auctions UK website took on a life of its own, growing organically through search engine exposure and by word of mouth. However, it became apparent that visitors wanted a grander product than just a directory of auction houses so as the web grew more technical, GAUK programmers started to develop a system to better deliver the auction information.

It was this demand that drove the site development towards something much more comprehensive and what you see today.

  • Over 200,000 subscribers to the weekly auction newsletter promoting auction sales
  • 5,000,000 hits a month to various GAUK network sites displaying auction news … growing daily.

The Birth of GAUK Media

Mission Statement: We strive to do the very best in anything and everything we do.

After spending a number of years based mostly in Cyprus, Paul now lives with his family in New Zealand where he is developing a strong team to manage the growth and expansion of the GAUK brand worldwide.

Government Auctions UK was recently rebranded as plain old ‘GAUK Auctions’ which fits far more comfortably within the network (to ‘GAUK it’ simply means to find it cheaper), and is now growing and expanding as fast as programming allows. The new system will allow GAUK to be more specialised in its services with a strong brand. GAUK Motors, GAUK Real Estate, GAUK Villas, GAUK Charters, GAUK Auctions, GAUK Wholesale etc … all managed from a single platform

GAUK Media was incorporated in New Zealand as a hub to manage the current projects. It seemed an obvious development to offer the services that have served our growth, hence the website you see today.

GAUK has had an extraordinary few years in development and look forward to growing exponentially in the years to come. A project in the GAUK portfolio is BZ9.com, which began as a personal toolbox. Programming was launched way back in 2003 when the internet was still like the wild west (some say it still is today). BZ9 started out by offering small business owners basic online services such as autoresponders, URL shortening and systems to build lists. BZ9 must have done something right as it took on over 35,000 customers in the first year.

Paul has operated many other online businesses from software services and publishing services through to full blown membership websites which have seen members total more than 100,000 for two of the services.

You don’t develop fast growing businesses and manage the growth without making some mistakes. But those experiences have been taken on board, learnt from and the knowledge used to ensure the very best is achieved for clients.

The Marketing Tools and Systems are a work in progress. To date, a team of programmers has worked full time for over TWO AND A HALF YEARS building and tweaking the raw software. To date, it has cost somewhere in the region of US$200,000 of hard-earned money, which ironically was generated using the systems created! No outside investors or business angels.

Mission Statement Striving to be the best we can be, to offer affordable services that help our clients be the best they can be…

Programming and online business development is ongoing … A set of briefs are being analysed right now and a work schedule for the coming twelve months is in place. GAUK make this promise: To reinvest 30% of any income back into research & development  … And that’s an ongoing commitment to clients and their businesses.

Over the years and under various guises and pen names, Paul has appeared on national television, radio and in various publications. He has worked with many of the top Internet Marketers on joint venture partnerships and if he’s not been behind some of the busiest sites in the Internet Marketing niche since its inception, he’s helped promote them.

He was behind Freenetleads way back in 2002 that generated a membership of 500,000 people by it’s third month, a system designed to grow opt-in mailing lists. It was only held back by the limitations of the servers they kept crashing!

Modern servers can handle the traffic and the GAUK network has a robust framework so it’s scaleable and ready to grow. After Freenetleads came Netbookpublishers, NewsdeskPro, Karazzi, HotPropertyInvestor, OmniSciencePrinciple, 241leads, Results Tracker, Toolbar Traffic, Ultimate Banner Exchange … and so on and so forth … Paul and his team built system after system, pushed product after product and all this as he traveled the world, sailing yachts and living the Internet Dream.

Paul and his partners have not only stood the test of time and navigated through the hard times, but have grown and evolved into a truly grown up service. Having traded online since 2003, Paul now manages a truly international operation with interests in USA, UK, Europe, The Philippines, and now New Zealand.

We know we don’t always get it right; we know we can always find ways to improve, which we do tirelessly. Providing the best information and user experience is what drives us

So that’s where we are today. We look forward to working with you as a valued client for years to come…

Have a great day!
Paul and The GAUK Team


Current Projects

The Omniscience Principle

Business and Personal Development

GAUK Motors

Car auction and classic car aggregation software

GAUK Auctions

Auction aggregation software

Smart Connect

Business Bots and Digital Business Cards

Coming Soon

Forty & Deuce

Motoring wallpapers and car art

Raise your awareness

GAUK Projects

Guest Bloggers

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