




Specialised Marketplace Search


Shopping for a great deal or a specific item is incredibly frustrating … all those websites, all so infuriatingly different and desperately difficult to find.

How often have you sat at a computer, multiple tabs open, flicking from one site to another?

From Amazon to eBay, from Facebook Market to Google, from one retailer to another.

Now GAUK does the heavy lifting and customers can buy confidently, secure in the knowledge they found the perfect product at the best price.

GAUK A Marketplace Search Engine Curated by Humans For Humans!

Overview GAUK Gen4

Despite the advancements in technology and the rise of AI, some fundamental aspects of life remain unchanged. Shopping, retains its timeless appeal, as does the exhilaration of bagging a bargain!

Rich History: GAUK (pronounced ‘gawk’) has been delivering high-quality marketplace data since 1999. GAUK Gen 4 represents a ground-up rebuild of its predecessor, ‘Old GAUK,’ which was a manually updated subscription service.

Government Auctions UK started as a simple PDF directory of auction houses dealing in government and liquidated stock. Over time, shaped by its users, it evolved into an online searchable catalogue encompassing all lots across all auctions, nationwide. With over £3M in revenue, it became evident that there was a significant demand for specialized search capabilities … and the requirement is more relevant than ever.

The manual input of data became unsustainable, leading to the development of GAUK Gen4, which is self-funded and 90% complete.

Powered by our proprietary aggregation engine GAUK operates in the largest and most popular categories across multiple countries. GAUK Gen4 monitors auctions, dealers and classifieds, automatically organising and decimating terabytes of data to present the customer exactly what they’re looking for in an intuitive and easy to use interface.

GAUK Motors is the first category developed to a high standard. With this achievement, we are now poised to scale and expand into other high-demand markets and categories.

Specialised Marketplace Search: GAUK gathers listings from auctions, dealers, online stores, marketplaces and classifieds nationwide across multiple specific categories.

GAUK Motors MVP: Proof of concept 90% complete in the vehicles vertical.

Search, Save, Compare: Users monitor products across multiple websites through keyword-defined streams in a Kanban interface.

GAUK the Marketplace Gatekeeper: GAUK is strategically positioned in the largest marketplaces. The tool shoppers use to compare the market and  guarantee the best deal.

User-Driven Evolution: Shaped over many years, GAUK has evolved in response to user demand.

SAAS Pay-to-Search Model: User have demonstrated a willingness to pay for upgraded features.

Valuable Connections: Customers enjoy GAUK. Business seek to connect with them.

Projections: (Based on £5.00/week, 100K visits/month, 3% Conversion)

  • Year 1: £3.2m
  • Year 2: £9.7m
  • Year 3: £16.1m 
  • Expansion across USA & Europe


  • £3M revenue
  • 90% net
  • Achieved through SEO, affiliates, and email marketing


SEEKING SEED STAGE INVESTMENT: Fueling the Next Phase of Growth and Expansion


We are delighted to invite investors to join us as we re-enter our familiar stomping grounds.

GAUK GEN 4 STAGE 1 | MOTORS Operational gathering data in real time for vehicles at auction, classifieds and dealers.


With over 20 years of success in the market, Government Auctions UK (now GAUK®, a registered trademark) has firmly established a track record and proven a demand in the marketplace intelligence sector.  Now, we are seeking investment to capitalize on our foundation of success and propel GAUK into a new era of growth and expansion.

The Problem

Over the years, GAUK has responded to the issues of inefficiency and fragmentation in mainstream search. In the battle against spam and emerging competition the big players deploy global algorithms that favour old content and actively create significant challenges in obtaining accurate and real-time information … and it’s only getting worse.

Mass Migration

Mainstream search is in turmoil and Ai is exponentially exacerbating the issue. Googlebytes of content is being generated and the big players are finding it increasingly difficult to qualify quality data. User are increasingly turning to alternatives such as Reddit and TikTok when making informed decisions on their latest purchases, desperately seeking answers to the question: “where do I find the best deal?”.

The Opportunity

Although the world is moving at a dizzying pace, old school fundamentals are as relevant as ever. People have been looking for ‘the best deal‘ since the birth of commerce.

This funding round marks an exciting milestone for GAUK. Having successfully navigated through our early stages and proven market viability, we are now ready to re-enter the market and accelerate growth.

Market Demand and Track Record

Even through hard times, the marketplace search sector thrives. With in-the-trenches experience, we have gained a deep understanding of our target audience’s needs and GAUK has been shaped through invaluable feedback. Our track record of generating over £3 million in revenue highlights the robust demand for our services.


“GAUK Poised to Become the Gatekeeper, the FIRST Place People Come to Find a Better Deal”

Market Opportunity


We have been as comprehensive as possible when compiling this overview but it counts for nothing if there is no market.

GAUK  Motors represents the first stage of an ambitious development plan and of itself represents an exciting opportunity to tap into the vast global market for vehicle intelligence. To put this into perspective, the automotive industry is a behemoth, with over 1.4 billion vehicles on the world’s roads today.

GAUK | One Engine, Multiple Verticals

GAUK Motors is just the tip of the iceberg. GAUK aggregation technology is the beating heart with applications that extend far beyond the world of automobiles.

  • GAUK Motors
  • GAUK Antiques
  • GAUK Boats
  • GAUK Villas
  • GAUK Real Estate
  • GAUK Liquidation
  • GAUK Bargains
  • GAUK Luxury
  • GAUK Insurance
  • GAUK … ?

We have initially chosen Motors and Antiques as a proof of concept model on the basis of demand and marketplace access.

GAUK currently serves as a successful proof of concept in the Motors vertical. However, its capabilities extend far beyond that. Our advanced technology is fully equipped to handle multiple verticals, providing comprehensive coverage across various industries.

Aggregators in the market

Upon initial examination, it might appear that there are aggregators in various markets eg Trivago, a hotel aggregator, or Compare The Market, an insurance quote aggregator. While these platforms enjoy considerable success, they heavily depend on source sites publishing an API.

GAUK, on the other hand, stands out as entirely unique. We employ spider scripts to meticulously gather essential information, distinguishing us from conventional aggregator models.

Powerful Marketplace Intelligence

The Evolution of GAUK

GAUK started as a simple venture, offering ‘Government Auction UK’ information.

A PDF directory of auction houses that handle Government stock that could be downloaded for a fiver. However, rapid growth and the evolving demands of users pushed us to develop a more comprehensive platform.

Today, our proprietary aggregation technology form the backbone of our groundbreaking SAAS, empowering users with seamless access to valuable marketplace data.

Mission Statement

‘To do the very best we can do in anything and everything we do’

Our latest iteration GAUK Gen4 , demonstrates our commitment to deliver.

Unrivaled Data Coverage

Our dedicated team diligently scours the internet for valuable information updating the aggregation engine with sources offering comprehensive listings, spanning auctions, dealers and classifieds.

As we grow, we expand our coverage to include a wide range of diverse opportunities.

GAUK Sentry

When accessing GAUK for the first time a unique search stream is automatically generated within a user account based on their selected keyword filters. Each unique stream delivers results from multiple sources allowing them to effortlessly monitor all relevant listings and receive timely notifications for exciting new discoveries.

Users can upgrade to access multiple search streams with unique paramaters including alerts in a user friendly, Kanban style interface.

Vision for the Future:

GAUK is poised for exponential growth, with a dedicated team at the helm.

“GAUK it!”

GAUK will become the gatekeeper to great deals, the go-to platform for marketplace intelligence, globally.

Disruptive Business Model With Omni-Revenue Streams

After years of development and listening to valuable customer feedback, GAUK has crafted a unique and pioneering business model, challenging the norms of mainstream search.

In contrast to outdated approaches that target businesses or compete with established players, we revolutionize the landscape by placing users at the center and offering premium services for a fee.



Business centric:

  • Finite pool of businesses
  • Limited budgets
  • Restrictions on promoted products

User centric:

  • Customers have demonstrated willingness to spend £5 to save £20
  • Vast customer base
  • GAUK features ALL business offerings
  • GAUK is free from biased ‘paid for’ results
  • Negates the enormous marketing budgets required for establishing a traditional marketplace
  • Scalability: The pay-to-search model allows for scalable revenue generation as the user base expands
  • Flexibility: The pay-to-search model offers flexibility for revenue
  • Enhanced targeting: By attracting users who are actively searching for specific products or services, businesses can achieve higher conversion rates compared to broad advertising campaigns
  • Competitive advantage: GAUK’s innovative approach to monetisation sets it apart from competitors, offering a sustainable revenue stream

SAAS freemium

The freemium model drives traffic. Users are seamlessly encouraged to upgrade to premium features.

free drives Affiliate Sales – it’s all in the list!

Free registration ensures an extremely lucrative asset built within our own ecosystem.

GAUK leverages its long history of successful affiliate marketing by offering valuable products and services to its users. Through targeted auto-responder emails, SMS, and chatbot marketing.

B2B Pay-to-Connect

Businesses seeking to tap into GAUK’s highly qualified customer base will find a lucrative opportunity to connect with their target audience.

Through strategic partnerships, dealerships, insurance companies, and businesses offering value-added products gain access to a pool of engaged leads.

By leveraging GAUK’s platform, these businesses expand their reach, increase brand visibility, and drive sales through targeted marketing relationships.

Our approach sets us apart from traditional models, fostering a thriving ecosystem where users, businesses, and companies find value and success.

Marketing and Sales Strategy

Target Audience:

Our primary target audience comprises

  • the curious
  • buyers looking for a better deal
  • enthusiasts
  • collectors
  • investors
  • and businesses seeking real-time intelligence and valuable insights

The Freemium Funnel | free > upgrade

GAUK founders have a rich and successful history in online sales and marketing enjoying a profound understanding of the sales funnel.

Through the implementation of a freemium model, the platform strategically attracts free registrations, seamlessly guiding users from the top of funnel, where they initially engage with the free offering, to the upgraded premium services.

Free users – an incredibly valuable asset

Free users will be offered valuable affiliate products and access to registered vendor offers:

Email marketing drives an average of $44 for every $1 spent – Campaign Monitor

77% of email ROI comes from segmented, targeted and triggered campaigns – DMA

87% of all marketers plan to invest more in their email marketing budget – Email on Acid

Automated emails drive conversion rates 180% higher than batch emails – VentureBeat

Email Marketing’s ROI was 28.5% compared to 7% for direct mail – Chief Marketer

Email marketing produces an average of 174% more conversions than social media – Campaign Monitor

Customer Acquisition Plan:

Content Marketing MotorBuzz: VIEW We will implement a content marketing strategy. Our team will create engaging blog posts, articles, and whitepapers that provide valuable insights into the auction intelligence industry and highlight the benefits of our platform. We will also leverage social media to share this content and engage with our audience.

Vehicle Data Motorpedia: VIEW The largest, most beautiful, vehicle resource. We offer the biggest datasets in the world.

Partnerships and Collaborations: Collaborations with industry influencers, auction houses, and relevant organizations will be a cornerstone of our marketing approach.

SEO: The bedrock of any marketing campaign. Our team will focus on a robust search engine optimization (SEO) strategy to improve visibility in mainstream search results.

Email Marketing: Building an email list will be crucial for nurturing leads and engaging with our audience. Through targeted email marketing campaigns, we will deliver personalized content, special offers, and updates to keep our subscribers informed and engaged.

Customer Support and Retention: VIEW Exceptional customer support will be a top priority. Our team will ensure that subscribers receive timely assistance and support throughout their journey with GAUK.

Digital Marketing: We leverage digital marketing strategies, including search engine sponsored listings, content marketing, email campaigns, viral competitions and giveaways and social media campaigns, to attract potential customers.

Affiliates Referral Program: We incentivise partners and existing users to refer GAUK to their network by offering rewards or discounts. This referral program fosters powerful organic growth through word-of-mouth marketing.

Event Participation: We actively participate in industry events, conferences, and webinars to showcase our platform’s capabilities and engage directly with potential customers.

Alternative Channels: We leverage those channels that marketing strategists dont think of, such as Quora (300 million monthly active users): Quora is a popular platform for research and comparison for automobile enthusiasts. Around a third of Quora users (34.9%) are interested in cars and motoring and 31.8% drive regularly (Quora for Business).

Distribution Channels:

Website and Mobile Apps: Our primary distribution channels are our website and mobile applications.

Partners and Affiliates: Collaborating with partners and affiliates allows us to distribute our services through their platforms, tapping into their existing customer base and reaching new markets.

Data Feeds: In addition to our website and mobile applications, we offer access to our data streams and API for other businesses.

Successful Marketing Campaigns and Partnerships:

We have conducted successful email and online marketing campaigns that have contributed to our growth. Notably, our content marketing initiatives, including blog posts, Motorpedia, MotorBuzz, industry insights, and case studies. These campaigns have attracted a steady stream of engaged users and fostered a loyal community.

Company Background and Successes

GAUK has been a pioneering player in the auction intelligence industry since 1999. Over the years, we have established ourselves as a trusted and reliable source of high-quality data, catering to diverse audiences ranging from individuals exploring auctions to enterprises seeking data-driven decision-making tools.

Proven Track Record

Our commitment to excellence has resulted in generating over £3 million in revenue. The demand for our services is a testament to our unique value proposition, user-centric approach, and comprehensive global coverage.

Valuable Customer Behavior Data

Through our extensive operations, we have accumulated valuable customer behaviour data, providing us with deep insights into user preferences, subscription models, and market trends. This data-driven approach enables us to continually enhance our offerings, ensuring they meet the evolving needs of our users.

User Engagement

With over two decades of experience, we have cultivated strong relationship systems with our users. Our platform has been refined over the years based on user feedback, providing a seamless and user-friendly experience.

Expanding Market Reach

Having engaged a significant user base, we are now poised for exponential growth. Our strategic marketing efforts have resulted in increased visibility and brand recognition, positioning us for further expansion and market leadership.

Customer Testimonials

We are proud of the positive feedback we have received from our customers, affirming the value they have gained from using our services. These testimonials serve as a testament to the impact of our platform on users seeking market intelligence solutions.

The Team… 



Big Thinker

A highly skilled professional with an HND in Graphics and Advertising. With over 20 years of hands-on experience in guerrilla marketing, Paul brings innovative ideas and strategies to the table, ensuring our message reaches the right audience at the right time.



Chief Creative

A simple thought is all you need. Get the thinking right and the ideas will write themselves. All great advertising ideas are extremely simple and blindingly obvious. That’s why so few people are capable of thinking of them.


Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!

Chief Tech

During the development of GAUK Gen4 we lost our dear friend Dave to illness. Our first task after securing investment will be to appoint a Lead Developer.
The Bots

The Bots


A team of tireless, relentless, obedient bots programmed to deliver quality information to GAUK users.

The Money

Raising: £500,000

  • Total Revenue: £3M
  • Investment: Self Funded £500k
  • Debt: £0
  • Equity: 100% 

Revenue Forecast

Despite the promising opportunities and diverse revenue streams outlined in this pitch, we have opted for a deliberately calculated revenue forecast, considering a straightforward SAAS model.

Top of Funnel: We project top of funnel free registrations to reach 15%, with targeted marketing and enticing value-added upgrade options. These registrations have proven to be extremely valuable and responsive to affiliate promotions via email. (Not factored into revenue at this stage)

Premium Users: With an upgrade conversion rate of 3%, we factor in a higher cancellation rate of 25% and set a weekly subscription fee of £5.00.

By employing this combination, we envision a steady and sustained revenue growth from our expanding subscriber base. This carefully crafted approach ensures that our revenue projections are realistic and align with the expected growth of our platform.

The Golden Milestone: 1,000 Premuim Subscribers

1,000 Paid Subscribers: We reach a significant milestone, achieving sustainability, profitability, and setting a clear roadmap to attain all KPIs.

Revenue Milestones

Our financial projections are based on our in-the-trenches experience and driving a relatively small amount of traffic.

Based on 5.00/week, 100K visits/month, 3% Conversion

Year Subscribers Visitors/Month Revenue (£)
1 25750 100k £3.2M
2 52750 100k £9.7M
3 79750 100k £16.1M

Based on GAUK’s unique and extensive experience, we have set realistic goals for subscriber acquisition, aiming to drive 3,800,000 visitors over three years.

Where Will Your Money Go?

Cashflow: To support growth and expansion, we have allocated resources to various areas, including marketing, technology infrastructure, staffing, and operational expenses. These expenses are carefully managed to ensure efficiency and maximize profitability.

KPI 1: 1,000 Premium Subscribers

1. Finalizing Programming of Aggregation Software
Objective: Achieve full functionality and efficiency of the aggregation software.

2. UX and UI Enhancement
Objective: Improve user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design for optimal engagement.

3. Go-to-Market Strategy
Objective: Successfully launch the platform in the market with a focus on acquiring 1,000 paid subscribers.

4. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Objective: Achieve and measure success against predefined KPIs.

5. Contingency Planning
Objective: Anticipate and address potential challenges.

6. Financial Allocation
Objective: Clearly define how the investment will be allocated across different aspects of the project.

Risks and Mitigation

  • Market Competition: The comparison sector is lucrative.
    Mitigation: GAUK will focus on its unique value proposition, which includes extensive global coverage, user-centricity, and diverse datasets. We will continuously monitor the competitive landscape, adapt our offerings, and invest in innovation to stay ahead.
  • Technology Integration: Integrating with Amazon Rekognition and developing a mobile scanning app may pose technical challenges.
    Mitigation: To address this, we will collaborate closely with Amazon’s technical team and solution architects, conduct rigorous testing, and invest in skilled developers to ensure seamless integration and a robust app.
  • Data Security and Privacy: Handling large datasets requires robust security measures.
    Mitigation: We will implement industry-leading data security encryption protocols, ensure compliance with data protection regulations, and conduct regular security audits to safeguard user information.
  • Subscription Acquisition: Reaching the target of 1,000 paying subscribers is a challenge.
    Mitigation: We will employ a multi-channel marketing approach, including social media, content marketing, and targeted advertisements, to attract and retain subscribers.
  • Market Volatility: Economic fluctuations can impact user spending behavior and auction activities.
    Mitigation: Surprisingly, during challenging economic landscapes, the demand within liquidation and auction markets tends to soar.  As economic conditions change, GAUK’s agile approach enables us to quickly and easily adapt and capitalize on emerging trends.
    • Scalability and Infrastructure: As our user base grows, scaling our platform and infrastructure will be crucial.
      Mitigation: We currently have an AWS platform compliant with Amazon’s ‘Well Architectured Programme’. We will continue to monitor and invest in scalable technologies and cloud-based solutions to accommodate increasing demand without compromising performance.
    • Talent Acquisition: Attracting and retaining skilled personnel.
      Mitigation: We will implement competitive compensation packages, foster a positive work culture, and invest in employee development to build a talented and dedicated team.
    • Customer Satisfaction: Ensuring high customer satisfaction is vital for user retention.
      Mitigation: We will prioritize customer support, conduct user surveys, and gather feedback to continually improve our services.



    At GAUK, we are committed to delivering exceptional returns on investment for our stakeholders.

    While our primary focus is on driving sustainable growth and market leadership, we understand the importance of an exit strategy to provide investors with a clear path to achieving their financial goals. 

    Potential Exit Scenarios

    • Acquisition: We recognize the potential for strategic partnerships or acquisitions by larger companies seeking to expand their presence in the market intelligence industry. Should an attractive acquisition opportunity arise, we will carefully evaluate its alignment with our vision and growth trajectory.
    • Initial Public Offering (IPO): As we continue to scale and demonstrate sustained profitability, an IPO may become a viable option. Going public would allow us to access public markets, increase visibility, and provide investors with the opportunity to realize significant returns.
    • Merger or Strategic Alliances: Collaborating with industry leaders or complementary businesses through strategic alliances or mergers may present compelling opportunities to unlock synergies and further accelerate growth.

    Alignment with Investors

    Throughout our growth journey, we will maintain transparent and open communication, keeping our stakeholders informed about any potential exit opportunities that may arise.

    Maximizing Investor Returns

    We are commited to driving growth and profitability. By leveraging our innovative technology, expansive data sets, and user-centric approach, we aim to sustainably grow our revenue and enhance shareholder value.

    Continued Growth and Market Dominance

    As we continue to innovate, expand our market reach, and solidify our position as a leader in the marketplace intelligence sector, we are confident that GAUK’s value will appreciate significantly. 

    Our exit strategy is designed to provide a clear and rewarding path for our valued investors to achieve exceptional returns on their investment.

    The revenue projections and forecasts presented in this pitch are forward-looking statements based on our extensive experience, best estimates and assumptions at the time of preparation. Actual results may vary due to a range of factors beyond our control. This information is provided for illustrative purposes only, and potential investors should exercise caution and conduct their own due diligence. The company undertakes no obligation to update or revise these projections, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise. Investing involves risks, and past performance is not indicative of future results.

    Let’s Talk!

    Paul Tranter
    GAUK Media
    “Life’s Too Short To Think Small”