How to Make a Landing Page That C.O.N.V.E.R.T.S.

Are you selling products online? Do you have a landing page? Well this indepth guide shows you how to create a landing page that C.O.N.V.E.R.T.S. It’s an A.W.E.S.O.M.E article that’s defo worth keeping… So you’ve got your marketing all set. You have...

Using Images on Social Media: Let’s Get Visual!

The instant success and popularity of Social Media companies such as Pinterest and Instagram are no accident. Those are two big examples of where not only Social Media is headed, but advertising and marketing as well. People love pictures and videos. Doing a quick...

23 Blog Directories To Submit Your Blog To

Gaining exposure for your blog is critical to building a following and revenue. After creating compelling copy, titles, descriptions and link strategies, it’s time to list your blog in one or more directories. There are many paths to building links, such as link...

7 Ways to Prepare Your Kids for Online Stardom

As Social Media and Online statistics continue to grow you need to think about preparing your children for tomorrow’s world.  As brick and mortar businesses continue to flounder and more companies hit the net, the skills necessary to succeed online will become more...

So how much do you spend on your online business each year?

This is an interesting article by pro-blogger, Jon Loomer Digital, that sets out his business expenses in 2012. During the past two weeks, I wrote about the rise of my blog from obscurity to one of Social Media Examiner’s Top 10 Social Media Blogs of 2013 in 17...

26 Great Tips To Getting FREE Followers on Google+

Few Simple and Easy Tips to Get More Followers on G+ Free and Fast Google+ is essentially a blend of Facebook & Twitter only with better and more innovative features. You can expand your Google plus followers easily provided you know the right tips and tricks to...

Social Media Insights: What Customers Seek

Social Media: How We Spend Our Time & What It Means For Marketers [Research] Social media has become an integral part of our daily lives; it’s where we turn to connect with family, friends and colleagues as well as to gather a variety of information. Businesses...

Using Twitter For Business

How to use Twitter for Business If you’ve been following my blog you may have already guessed that I’m a huge Twitter fan… That’s right. Twitter is my No. 1 social media tool for building my online business. Why? Because it’s where I meet awesome likeminded people...