Growing The Grommet

Here is a great article published on How Jules Pieri and her team built a massive niche product company by focusing on a few core ideals Let’s say I put you in a sealed room and tell you that you need to draw a picture of a poodle. But, there are...

gauk Smart Maps

Bizmap theme is an absolutely unique theme concept. You’re able to easily set up an online directory portal listing categorized items of any type – companies, shops, websites and so on. We’ve spent quite a long time developing the theme as many things were changed...

Creating Articles That Hook The Reader

Link Baiting Link baiting does exactly what it says on the tin. It’s the art of creating something on your website which naturally attracts back links. This is done by people discussing it on forums, in articles, on blogs, social book marking sites such as delicious...

Bogof Features

Bogof is now eShops An overview of Buy One Get One Free and Other Great Deals A new group buying concept aimed and a better deal for local NZ businesses   BOGOF FEATURES WEBSITE Getaways (Listing travel deals) Custom Design Goods (Listing shipping deals)...

The True Cost Of Bad Customer Service

Many companies make the mistake to only focus on the obvious, is the phone ringing? are we closing sales? But there are many other, less obvious (I don’t want to say “hidden”) aspects of business, that directly affect the bottom line. Customer service is one of them....

The Secret Guide to Video and SEO

Since the Google Penguin and Panda updates, a lot of SEOs finally have realized that ranking a website in the long term is not just about building a large number of links. It’s also about creating high-quality content that will attract links naturally over time....

10 Ways to Use Social Media to Promote an Event

Are you wondering how to promote an event with social media? Whether you have a small local gathering or a large conference, social media can be used to get the word out in a powerful way. In this article I’ll reveal 10 creative ways to use social media to increase...